Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass
$16.30 – $19.30
Perfect for: Residential yards with kids or dogs, or if you are looking for a low maintenance feature lawn around garden beds, courtyards or pools. Sir Walter DNA Certified buffalo grass performs well in full sun or lightly shaded areas (more than 3 hours of light) with minimal water requirements once established. This is our #1 seller for home lawn areas.
As seen on The Block 2023.
Please note: Complimentary Starter (Launcher) Fertiliser is provided with all turf orders.
Click in the field below and type the total meterage of lawn you require.
- Harvest & Deliver Within 24 Hours
- Free, No-Obligation Quote
- 10-Year Warranty
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass Characteristics
- #1 Selling and best performing turf variety for residential home lawns
- Drought tolerant
- Thrives in full sun and shade (minimum of 3 hours of sunlight for best results)
- Perfect for kids and dogs
- Self repairing – pet resistant
- Non invasive root system can be managed without chemicals (Whipper snipper edges to curb lateral growth into garden beds)
- Low maintenance
- Broad, soft luscious leaf
- Highly resistant to most common insect pests
- Survives on less water
- A dense root system which acts as a barrier to minimise weed invasion
- Initial cost is a little higher up front but ongoing costs to manage and maintain are significantly less than some other varieties
- Mowing height 30mm-40mm
- Low allergy
- W.A.L.T.E.R – Water And Light Tolerant Environmentally Responsible
- SIR – Great grass deserved to be knighted
Gallery of Awesome instant lawns

Why choose Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf?
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo is our #1 seller for residential homeyards! Aussie born and bred, it’s perfect for the tough Australian climate. Versatile and hardy, Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo has stood the test of time and can go – and grow – anywhere!
Tolerating full sun, shade, extreme heat, frost and drought, DNA Certified Sir Walter truly is a lawn for life!
The tight growth habit of Sir Walter means it’s awesome at blocking out weeds while maintaining a lush and healthy green with the right lawn care routine. What’s more – it’s low maintenance. That’s right! When you buy Sir Walter DNA Certified, you’re buying a whole new way of life. No more spending hours mowing and watering, no more unsightly bare patches, and no more worry over kids and pets playing on the lawn. It truly is the holy grail of lawns!
Be warned – Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo will give you the best-looking lawn in the street!! So when the neighbours ask for your secret? Just say it’s Sir Walter!
Pest, disease, and weed resistant, the child and pet-friendly Sir Walter DNA Certified is the perfect choice for all Aussie households. Whether you’re in the frosty Alpine areas of the Victorian High Country, the dry plains of the Gippsland region, or the salty conditions of the Surf Coast; your lawn will survive and thrive.
We are so confident in our Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo that we offer a 10-year product warranty. This warranty certifies that your lawn is 100% genuine (yes there are copies out there!) and has been grown and harvested in line with our stringent standards.

the benefits of Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass

Since 1997, over 100 million metres of Sir Walter Buffalo turf have been sold Australia-wide, and for very good reason.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is a high-performing turf variety. One of the biggest reasons why we love it (and why you’ll love it too!) is that it’s proudly Australian. This means you’ll be getting a Buffalo turf that can grow anywhere in Australia.
Other benefits of Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf include:
- Drought tolerant
In a sun-drenched country like Australia, you need a lawn that can survive even the toughest of droughts. Sir Walter DNA Certified is drought-tolerant; easily handling extended periods without rain. Thanks to its deep root system, Sir Walter can gather moisture deep into the subsoil and retain it as needed. - Self-repairing
One of Sir Walter DNA Certified’s premium qualities is its amazing ability to self-repair. After periods of drought or heavy wear and tear, it will regenerate. This means less time on fertilising and lawn repair, and more time enjoying the great outdoors! - Low maintenance
Self-repairing, shade, and drought-tolerant, Sir Walter DNA Certified doesn’t ask for much! Requiring a minimum of three hours of sunlight a day, Sir Walter DNA Certified Instant Turf only needs to be mown to 4-6cm length and watered as required. Its non-invasive underground root system won’t invade garden beds with grass runners, either. This means you don’t have to use any chemicals or an edger. It’s pretty much Coolabah’s “Mow, blow, and grow” grass! - Attractive
Everyone wants an attractive lawn! Lawn envy is a real thing, and with Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf, your lawn will be the envy of everyone! Despite it being a hardy Buffalo grass, Sir Walter DNA is very soft underfoot due to its fine leaf blades. Its deep green colour and thick appearance make it a statement turf and is the most popular fit for households. - Durable
Unlike other turf types, Sir Walter DNA Certified can handle high traffic. If you have children or pets, you better believe your lawn will remain looking picture-perfect even after a day of backyard cricket!
Sir Walter is AusGap Certified, meaning it’s the highest quality turf available. With Sir Walter DNA Certified, you’re guaranteed a healthy and happy lawn all year long.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is suitable for all year round lawn in Melbourne and Victoria
The most versatile turfgrass on the market, Sir Walter is suitable to install all year round. Keep in mind that because it’s a self-repairing grass, once installed (particularly during winter) it will be slow to establish. However, this means it will require little to no maintenance. Once fully established, you can enjoy Sir Walter DNA no matter the weather.
Choosing an Australian turf from a Victorian-based supplier such as Coolabah Turf means you know it’s suitable for the local conditions.
The King of turf in shade, Sir Walter DNA Certified instant turf can survive in backyards with very little sun. As backyards become smaller and homes are getting bigger, many households find their yard space is in shade for most of the year. Even in the long, cold and dark winter days your Sir Walter will soldier on as other turf types struggle to bounce back and maintain their vibrancy!
Whether it’s winter or summer, we recommend applying fertiliser prior to installing your turf then apply an application of Seasol over the top. From there, you should fertilise your new Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf in about 5 to 6 weeks.
Tolerating full sun, shade, extreme heat, frost and drought, DNA Certified Sir Walter truly is a lawn for life!

Compare Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass With Other Instant Turf Varieties
Frequently asked questions about
Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf
Sir Walter DNA Certified is a premium quality soft leaf Buffalo grass that provides a luscious, hard wearing, long lasting lawn. Sir Walter is not bred or fine tuned, it’s a naturally occurring strain with a number of advantages over the other types of turf. Its many great benefits include:
- Shade tolerant – high shade tolerance due to a broad leaf which captures more sunlight, meaning it requires substantially less direct sunlight than other turf varieties. This being, a minimum of 3 hours of direct sunlight.
- Drought tolerant – highly efficient with water usage allowing it to stay greener for longer with minimal watering in dry and warmer conditions.
- Wear tolerant – its self-repairing capabilities makes it durable and easy to care for against damage that may be caused by children, pets or high foot traffic. It’s slow growing, which means less maintenance but a longer time taken to repair or recover when damaged.
- Salt tolerant – it does well in areas with some salt exposure such as coastal areas, and areas surrounding salt water swimming pools, and can be sustained with bore water up to around 3000-5000pmm.
- Hypoallergenic – a better choice for hay fever and allergy sufferers. It produces less pollen and has a smooth leaf blade that won’t cause skin irritation.
- Eco friendly – it requires less fertiliser, chemicals and water than other grass varieties, making it more friendly to the environment.
- Low maintenance – its unique root system travels across the surface of the ground enabling it to self repair if damaged. Its underground root system is non-invasive, meaning it won’t invade your garden beds and does not require any chemicals to keep it under control. For this reason, Sir Walter DNA Certified is the lowest of low maintenance lawns on the Australian market and is what we call our “mow, blow and go grass”.
Sir Walter DNA Certified is a non-invasive turf variety. This means it won’t grow where it shouldn’t!
Invasive grasses are aggressive growers that send runners into garden beds and lawns. Sir Walter DNA Certified turf on the other hand, remains largely contained where it’s installed.
Its underground root system will grow down deep into the soil, while its above ground root system will creep, but it will only spread slowly.
Sir Walter’s lateral growth habit is what makes it able to self-repair, so if you ever have a problem with bare patches in your lawn, you can fix them easily. Bare patches are often the result of excessive wear and tear. You can fix this by breaking up the soil to allow in air and nutrients, and then follow with some fertiliser and water. The turf should be fully-repaired within months.
For a faster and easier fix, prepare the ground and then install a new slab of fresh cut turf to the spot, watering and top dressing around the edges with sandy soil. Water regularly while the turf is establishing and refrain from mowing until it has rooted into the ground.
Like all our turf products, Sir Walter DNA Certified is available from Coolabah Turf all year round. Keep in mind that if you’re planning to install it during May to August, it should only be laid in areas that have full sun and low foot traffic to achieve best results.
Cold weather can lead to slower root generation and a longer establishment time. So the more sunlight your new turf is exposed to and the less stress it experiences from foot traffic, the faster it will grow.
In a state like Victoria, the cold winter months means your Sir Walter DNA Certified will take longer to establish once installed. Don’t fret! This means it will require virtually no maintenance!
We recommend you first spread Sir Launcher on the prepared area, raking it through the top 10mm to ensure good soil contact. Once the turf has been laid, apply Seasol over the top at a rate of 2 litres for every 100 m2 and fertilise with LSA’s Premium Lawn Food fertiliser approximately 5 to 6 weeks after installing.
After installation, continue to monitor moisture levels to make sure your lawn doesn’t get too dry or too wet. Only mow your lawn once the root system has fully established. This will be when you can no longer pull the turf slab up. Introducing monthly applications of Seasol will also help to protect your new lawn from the effects of the cooler weather.
Lots of factors go into determining how often you should water your lawn. The short answer – it depends! Additional to seasonal considerations, how much you water your lawn depends on the following key factors:
- How moisture retentive is the soil underneath the turf?
- How sandy is the soil base?
- Has there been natural rainfall?
- How much do you want to mow it?
- What is the rate of pressure of the irrigation system or hose you are using?
Correct watering is one of the main factors influencing how your instant turf will perform, so it’s important to keep these environmental factors front of mind all year round.
Additional to this, every season has different watering requirements. General best practices for these include:
Summer – this is dependent on what your expectations of your lawn’s purpose and performance are, as well as the level of shade, rainfall and foot traffic it receives. For a newly established lawn, you will need to water it approximately two to three times a day until it’s able to source its own water supply.
Autumn – lighter and less frequent watering on an as-needed basis, ideally in the mornings, as evening watering can encourage fungus growth.
Winter – watering may not be necessary, as winter rainfall will be adequate. In areas with warmer winters, you may need to water once a month for up to 40 minutes.
Spring – in the first few weeks, apply minimal top-up watering over and above spring rainfall. Then a deep soaking once a week, depending on your location and climate.
We specialise in drought-tolerant turf varieties designed to thrive in hot, dry conditions. Our Sir Walter DNA Certified is one such variety and the amount of water it requires is less than other instant turf varieties.
Not only is it easy to install, but it will thrive for longer during extended dry weather and will recover quicker following drought conditions.
As Sir Walter DNA Certified turf is a watersmart grass, it requires 70% less water than a cool season turfgrass variety.
Best practice is to water once every two weeks during the summer, once a month in autumn and spring, and only if needed during the winter.
LSA Fertiliser is a premium lawn food especially developed for Sir Walter DNA Certified turf. You can get it from our online store.
It can be used as both a preparation fertiliser and for regular feeding – and is guaranteed to improve the growth and colour of your lawn.
Sir Walter DNA Certified turf should be fertilised around 5 weeks after installation and then every 6-8 weeks after that. This will keep it healthy all year round.
Drought tolerant turf varieties such as Sir Walter DNA Certified turf should always be fertilised at the start of autumn (March to April) to prepare it for winter and then again in early spring (mid-September) to help it come out of winter dormancy.
Fertilising tips
- When installing new turf, use a starter fertiliser prior to laying to help prepare your base and kickstart growth.
- Always water your lawn immediately after fertilising to prevent leaf burn and other issues.
- Don’t fill the spreader on the lawn, as the slightest spill can affect your turf.
- If dethatching your lawn, follow up with fertiliser to enhance recovery.
- Too much fertiliser could lead to too much maintenance (i.e. the need for frequent mowing and watering).
- Chicken manure or dynamic lifter is an excellent organic fertiliser alternative.
Sir Walter DNA Certified turf is a highly versatile grass that can thrive in a range of conditions, from hot sun to cool shady areas. While that means it can be laid all year round, there are certain conditions for achieving optimal results.
Spring is considered the best time of the year to lay turf, when the temperature is warming up and there is plenty of rainfall.
For optimal results in winter, we advise you to install turf in full sun and low traffic areas. Due to the slow root initiation and longer establishment periods brought on by the cooler months, it’s critical to follow the no-traffic rule.
Installing your turf in summer will ensure fast establishment and growth, but make sure you water it every day during hours of weaker sunshine to prevent the roots from drying out.
Autumn can be a good laying time when the soil is at an ideal temperature and there is ample rainfall. However, we do recommend doing it in the earlier months, so your turf has a chance to establish itself before winter arrives.
Whatever time of year you choose to lay your turf, remember to water within 30 minutes of laying, then daily until it’s firmly rooted. Don’t forget to fertilise your new lawn about six weeks after installation.
If your Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn has holes, is uneven or needs a nutrient boost, top dressing is the recommended solution. This should be done at the beginning of spring.
Adding nutrients – this involves applying a thin layer of organic soil mixture to add nutrients and minerals to your lawn. This will encourage new shoots, hinder moss and weeds, improve drainage and promote the development of micro flora and fauna in the soil. To apply, shovel the top dressing into even piles and then rake the mixture in a figure eight motion so that it is spread evenly around. Then hose the lawn thoroughly until the dressing is barely visible.
Levelling uneven areas – if an area of lawn is slightly uneven, apply a top dressing up to 12mm. For deeper areas, you’ll need to apply more than one layer. Shovel loam or sand into piles and then level with a garden leveller, leaving the tops of the lawn plants still visible. Once the lawn is even, water in the top dressing.
Repairing holes – use a shovel to raise the grass on top of the hole and place top dressing underneath to elevate the level of the lawn. Add more top dressing to fix any uneven spots, making sure to leave the tops of the lawn plants exposed. Finally, water in the top dressing.
Thatch is a layer of dead organic matter below the surface of the lawn. While a thin layer is normal, if it accumulates too quickly, thatch can block air, water and nutrients from reaching the grass roots.
Thatch is typically caused by uneven water penetration, insufficient mowing or failure to maintain your lawn. Fortunately, it can be fixed fairly easily.
Low cut mowing – mowing the lawn at a much lower height than normal is one way of removing thatch. Be sure to use a grass catcher and remove all the clippings from the surface to allow for even regrowth.
Dethatching rake – this is a special purpose-built rake that can be purchased from any hardware or garden supply store. Be sure to remove all the dead vegetation after raking to allow for maximum water penetration.
Dethatching machine – also known as a verticutter or power rake, this is a specialised machine designed to remove thatch from lawns. If you have a lot of thatch or a large lawn to cover, hiring one of these machines might be your best bet.
Dethatching tips
- Dethatch your lawn when thatch is around 1.5cm deep.
- Dethatch in late spring or early summer while your lawn is still growing and can recover quickly from the stress.
- Feed your lawn after dethatching with a quality fertiliser and water deeply.
The best lawns are the result of proper preparation. When it comes to installing your Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf, preparing the site is very important for its long-term success.
Before installing your instant turf, remove any remaining grass with a weed killer and remove any rocks, sticks and other solid materials from the soil.
If you are installing your turf on a soil or clay surface, you’ll need to till the surface with a rotary hoe to break it up, aerate it and help with plant root initiation.
If your site has only minimal topsoil, you’ll need to add a layer of sandy garden loam, which you can buy from your local nursery or garden centre.
Other things you can do to make your site as turf-friendly as possible include:
- Check the pH of your soil to ensure the essential nutrients are available (the ideal pH range is between 6 and 7.5).
- If your soil’s pH level is too low, add some lime, which will help raise the pH and neutralise any acidity in the soil.
- Add some water storage crystals, which will absorb and store water and make it available to the turf’s root system.
- Add a slow release fertiliser to fertilise your turf and help with soil moisture retention.
When someone mentions ‘“Buffalo grass’” the first thought is generally ‘itchy’. Standard buffalo grass has serrated edges like teeth along every blade. That’s what causes the skin to become irritated resulting in itching and rashes. Standard buffalo is also unfriendly to those with allergies and hay fever – resulting in wheezing and coughing.
That’s why Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass is the perfect choice for those wanting a tough, hardy lawn that isn’t tough on them!
Sir Walter is a new generation, soft leaf Buffalo that’s super soft underfoot and doesn’t itch.
Sir Walter DNA Certified turf is a low-allergenic grass.
Unlike cool season grasses that grow from seed, Sir Walter grows via stolons and rhizomes (creeping stems) and produces few (if any) seed heads. So if there’s hay fever or allergies in your family, you’ll appreciate the protection it provides.
If you’re sensitive to pollen and are considering instant lawn for your home, Sir Walter DNA Certified could be the variety you’ve been looking for.
Sir Walter is grown and harvested in accordance with strict Australian guidelines. This means any Sir Walter DNA Certified you buy will be guaranteed free of disease, weeds and pests and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Yes. Roundup contains glyphosate, which kills anything it comes into contact with.
If you plan to use a herbicide containing glyphosate to kill weeds, be sure to avoid getting it on your Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass. There are plenty of other weed killers available that kill weeds but not lawns, so talk to our team of turf professionals and we can help you select the best one!
If you have Buffalo grass, common weeds you may experience include:
Wintergrass – can be removed by hand or using a control such as the Wintergrass Killer by Amgrow. It’s active ingredient is Endothol.
Broadleaf weeds and Clover – can be removed with a herbicide such as LSA All Purpose Weed Control or Amgrow Chemspray Bin-Die.
Bindii – can be managed by hand or by applying a selective broadleaf herbicide like Bin-Die or LSA All Purpose Weed Control.
Creeping Oxalis – can be eradicated with a selective herbicide such as LSA All Purpose Weed Control.
Onion Weed – can be eradicated by digging out the weed clump and throwing it away or by spot weeding with a solution of glyphosate and water.
Weeding tips
- Frequent mowing is the key to a good looking lawn. This suppresses its upright growth habit and increases its density. A dense lawn helps to block out weeds, which are more common in winter.
- Wait at least a week after mowing to apply herbicides, as the grass needs time to repair itself.
- Be sure to check the active ingredients in any herbicide to ensure it doesn’t contain buffalo-killing compounds.
- Herbicides containing MCPA or Bromoxynil are typically safe for buffalo lawns.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass is the most versatile grass on the market today. It can survive drought, frost, extreme heat or full sun or shade and it’s also salt tolerant.
But like all warm season grass varieties, Sir Walter DNA Certified will suffer some loss of colour when exposed to frost.
Cool season grasses contain a protein which protects them from frost, but on the flipside, they also require 70% more water than our home-grown Coolabah varieties.
Warm season grasses on the other hand, such as Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo, are drought-tolerant and have self-repair capabilities. So a little colour loss over winter is surely a small price to pay for a grass that can survive the extreme heat of an Australian summer!
Tips to minimise the impact of frost
Try these tips to help minimise unnecessary damage from frost:
- Don’t walk on your lawn until the frost has melted – this breaks the grass blades and causes more damage.
- Give your lawn a light watering just before sunrise to help the frost melt faster and more evenly.
- Keep your lawn well maintained during autumn so it’s healthy and strong when winter arrives. This will help it withstand the impact of cold frosty days.
- Paint your lawn with ColourGuard, an eco-friendly lawn colourant that can keep your grass looking green all year round.
Winter tips for Sir Walter lawn
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass is drought-tolerant, soft underfoot and looks awesome in summer.
While it can be successfully installed all year round in Victoria, it will experience a period of dormancy during the colder winter periods. This means varying degrees of discolouration, which like most things in life, is a bittersweet trade-off. If you’re looking for a low maintenance, non-invasive, watersmart, self-repairing and drought tolerant turf variety, then accepting discolouration during winter dormancy is a small price to pay.
So while you might expect a brown-looking, lacklustre lawn during dormancy, there is a remedy to help. With ColourGuard, (also known as Botox for your backyard!) you can instantly bring colour and vibrancy back to your lawn. ColourGuard is a natural turf grass colourant that you hose into your lawn. Aside from restoring your grass to a healthy green, it also:
- Reduces watering and fertilising needs
- Is UV fade resistant
- Won’t bleed, run, or stain once absorbed by the grass
- Is safe for the environment, pets and people
- Is fully organic and contains no harmful chemicals.
While Sir Walter lawn may lose some of its brilliant vibrancy over winter, the upside is that its slow growth means you don’t need to mow…at all. Take the winter off!
Maintenance tips for Sir Walter DNA Certified grass
Once your Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn is established, here’s an annual management schedule to keep it happy and healthy all year round.
Spring (Sept – Nov)
- Fertilise in October and November with a fertiliser such as Lawn Solutions Australia’s Fertiliser – Premium Lawn Food.
- Mow every one or two weeks and remove the clippings to prevent thatch buildup.
- Remove weeds that have emerged over winter such as broadleaf weeds, wintergrass and clover.
- Apply a pesticide such as Acelepryn to minimise the impact of white grubs.
- Aerate your lawn to help it recover from winter.
Summer (Dec – Feb)
- Apply a fertiliser to assist with turf health if required.
- Water as needed in the early morning (for longer but less frequently).
- Remove thatch and dead material to help the grass absorb all available moisture.
- Aerate the ground to further improve soil moisture uptake.
Autumn (Mar – May)
- Apply a pre-emergent herbicide and fertiliser such as Oxafert in week 3 of March and May.
- Water in the early morning for 15 minutes twice a week.
- Raise the mowing height to help insulate the soil and prepare it for winter.
- Rake up dead leaves to prevent dieback and encourage sunlight and oxygen.
Winter (Jun – Aug)
- Apply a plant conditioner such as Seasol in week 1 of July and August.
- Use a herbicide such as Oxafert to proactively prevent and minimise the impact of winter weeds.
- Aerate the soil to increase air, water and nutrients.
- In warmer regions, water as needed (pending environmental conditions).
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass Available at Coolabah Turf
Do you want the best-looking instant lawn on the street? Do you want to see your kids or pets running carefree across your backyard without feeling the fear of damaging those perfect blades of grass?
Then you are looking for Sir Walter Buffalo Grass. This is the top choice across Australia because it ticks all the right boxes. It’s drought resistant. It survives well in the extremes of summer without any trouble. And it’s low maintenance.
Perfect for the hustle and bustle of busy family life, Sir Walter Turf will see you and your family through years of memory-making.
Sir Walter Buffalo also helps cool your property by up to 10 degrees. Where asphalt and concrete heat up and create scorching conditions in the glare of the sun, Buffalo Turf is perfectly happy, soft and great for walking on with bare feet.
So while the surrounding temperatures of your home are dropping, you’ll find less need to run the AC – so you’ll also benefit from lower monthly energy costs.
Treat your family to a fun summer enjoying the sunshine in your beautifully green backyard. Read More
Further Benefits When You Buy Buffalo Grass
We guarentee that our turf grass is DNA-certified because there are imitations out there. They may be cheaper to buy, but they won’t have the same fantastic qualities as real Sir Walter Grass. Make sure you get the real deal.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass is top of its class. It looks perfectly picturesque but can also handle the busy family life with children and pets. It doesn’t ask for precious caregiving – needing only a little water and mowing.
The root system is very neat compared to other grass types. It doesn’t grow invasively, so your garden beds and paving are safe from becoming overrun. It’s also self-repairing, so after heavy use or a particularly long dry spell it’ll simply regenerate on its own with a little TLC. This ability to easily recover makes it a top choice for busy homeowners who want their investment to last for years.
When you buy buffalo grass with us, your garden will look good and you will get many benefits for your health, and increases the value of your home. You’re also more likely to spend time outdoors in nature when it’s interesting and eye-catching.
Buy Sir Walter Buffalo Turf at Coolabah Turf
As award-winning industry leaders, we at Coolabah Turf do everything we can to ensure Victorians get the healthy, durable lawns that they deserve.
We use high-quality turf farms to grow our turf and we deliver the lawns to you in specialty refrigerated trucks for the perfect transport conditions. Customer satisfaction is at the very top of our list of priorities, so we give you a 10-year warranty on your Sir Walter DNA Buffalo Certified Grass.
On top of that, we also guarantee that your turf will be pest, disease, and weed-free at the time of delivery. Sir Walter Buffalo turf is notably resistant to common insect threats and has a root system that discourages the growth of weeds. If you need for Buffalo grass fertilisers to maintain your Buffalo turf, we also provide them.
For more information on this extremely popular grass type, please reach out to our team of experts. You can also arrange for a free quotation, or even order turf online directly using our easy online store. Read Less
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