LSA Lawn Launcher 3kg bucket


Is a premium blend of fertiliser and moisture magnets, premium water crystals, that should be used when laying new lawn or planting a new garden. Is ideal for Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo turf and all other lawn types including Couch, Buffalo, Kikuyu, all types of trees, shrubs and flowering plants. Needs to be applied to bare soil and racked in the top 20mm 1 Bucket per 100m2.

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Is a premium blend of fertiliser and moisture magnets, premium water crystals, that should be used when laying new lawn or planting a new garden. Is ideal for Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo turf and all other lawn types including Couch, Buffalo, Kikuyu, all types of trees, shrubs and flowering plants. Needs to be applied to bare soil and racked in the top 20mm 1 Bucket per 100m2.

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