4kg Bucket Fertiliser + Loving your lawn book
Sir Walter 4kg Premium Fertiliser will treat up to 200m2 of lawn. Whilst it was developed for use on Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Lawn, it will work equally well on other lawn varieties, such as, Couch, Kikuyu, Zoysia, Tall Fescue, Bluegrass and Ryegrass.
- Delivered within 24 hours of harvest
- Free, No-Obligation Quote
- 10-Year Warranty
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo 4kg Premium Fertiliser will treat up to 200m2 of lawn. Whilst it was developed for use on Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Lawn, it will work equally well on other lawn varieties, such as, Couch, Kikuyu, Zoysia, Tall Fescue, Bluegrass and Ryegrass. Sir Walter Premium Fertiliser delivers all the nutrients the turf needs to recover and grow. “Loving Your Lawn – Your Guide To Perfect Aussie Lawn book” is the first truly Australian lawn guide designed specifically for our unique conditions. Presented by Nigel Ruck, this practical, comprehensive guide to installing, maintaining and getting the most out of your outdoor room. This guide is a must have for everyone who treasures the humble Aussie backyard.