Nullarbor Couch Grass
$11.30 – $14.30
Perfect for: Professional sports turf environments and premier community sporting facilities. Nullarbor Couch is also great for backyard sporting heroes who want the ball to bounce or to help create a home golf green! Great drought tolerance, best results when mown with a cylinder mower. Available: All year round – full sun only.
Please note: Complimentary Starter (Launcher) Fertiliser is provided with all turf orders
Click in the field below and type the total meterage of lawn you require.
- Delivered within 24 hours of harvest
- Free, No-Obligation Quote
- 10-Year Warranty
Quick Summary
- Also known as Santa Ana Couch
- Sports field turf
- Fine Leaf
- Mow short with cylinder mower
- Drought tolerant
- Low water
- Full sun only
- Great for backyard cricket
- Aggressive creeping root system that needs to be maintained to prevent invasion into garden beds if being used in residential projects
- Recovers well from general wear
- Golf course grass
- Very dense grass and grows aggressively in most soil types
- Mid green in colour
- Will lose some of its colour during cooler months while dormant.
Why choose Nullarbor Couch for your lawn?
If you want a perfectly looking manicured lawn, then cast your gaze upon Nullarbor Couch! An attractive fine leaf turf, Nullarbor Couch is perfect for making an impact in large public spaces, sporting fields and high traffic backyards for sports-loving families.
Nullarbor Couch is a warm season turfgrass known to be both drought-tolerant and wear-tolerant. The dense growth habits of Nullarbor Couch result in a lawn that can tolerate very low mowing heights. This makes it ideal for creating a well-manicured lawn! Just be mindful that it will need a bit more maintenance than other lawn types due to its fast growth rate. Don’t fret though – you’ll be rewarded with a hardy lawn that can stand up to both kids and pets or backyard heroes looking for the best grass to play cricket or footy on!
Nullarbor Couch thrives in full sun areas. You’ll need a space that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day in order for Nullarbor to thrive. Its drought tolerance means you won’t need to water too often, saving you both time and money.
Nullarbor Couch can be grown in a range of soil types. Available all year round, our Nullarbor Couch is an instant lawn variety that is harvested fresh daily from our Echuca farm and delivered straight to your door. All our turf varieties are supplied in easy to install slab-cut form. No back-breaking work necessary!
At Coolabah Turf, we pride ourselves on delivering quality turf to our customers. All turf supplied by us is AusGAP certified and comes with a 10-year warranty for quality assurance.
What are the benefits of Nullarbor Couch grass?
Nullarbor Couch is the jack of all trades lawn type. Its hardiness and appealing mid-green hue make it suitable for the everyday backyard right through to premier sporting facilities and golf courses.
Versatile and tough! One of the best features of Nullarbor Couch is its great drought and wear tolerance. This makes it possible to install Nullarbor Couch virtually anywhere you see fit – just as long as it’s in a full sun area.
Benefits of Nullarbor Couch:
- Drought tolerant
Nullarbor Couch is a warm season grass with high drought tolerance. This means it will require less watering, particularly during the hot, dry summer months. The bonus is that you’ll be saving on your water bills!
- Hard-wearing
Nullarbor Couch can handle high foot traffic – so if you have active pets and kids then this turf type will stand up to the test.
- Self-repairing
Another great feature of Nullarbor Couch is its rapid recovery from wear and tear. Its aggressive lateral growth habit means any bare patches will quickly grow over resulting in a nice, healthy lawn.
- Ideal in full sun
If you’ve got a sunny backyard then you’re laughing! Nullarbor Couch performs best in full sun, requiring at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. - Great all-rounder
Backyards, front yards, courtyards, sporting fields, golf courses, park areas – you name it – Nullarbor Couch can cover it! A great choice for both work and play, Nullarbor Couch produces an attractive fine leaf that is equally tough as it is soft – as long as there is no shade.
Looking after Nullarbor Couch in Melbourne and Victoria
Growing and maintaining Nullarbor Couch in Victoria isn’t a hard task. For one, its drought tolerance means it can survive extreme heat over summer, requiring little water even in drought conditions. Melbourne and regional Victoria aren’t strangers to cold frosts in winter, and Nullarbor Couch’s hardiness helps it withstand these bitey temperatures. During winter, Nullarbor Couch will have a dormancy period like all other warm season turf varieties, but this can be combated with an annual application of ColourGuard to improve its winter colour during the winter months. Its self-repairing nature also gives it rapid recovery from weather stress and foot traffic.
Nullarbor Couch will give you long-lasting performance when installed in full sun. For this reason, avoid installing Nullarbor Couch in shaded areas or anywhere that gets less than 6 hours of sun per day.
Nullarbor Couch maintenance
Nullarbor Couch has a fast lateral growth habit, which means it’s a great self repairer if it cops a pounding from kids or your fur baby! However, its upright growth habit is actually quite minimal, so when you’re mowing, there is very little clipping. This is great news for suburban property owners if they don’t have a very big green waste bin. Couch lawns will still however require frequent mowing during the growing season, mainly to remove seed heads which are pretty common on a couch lawn. Mowing frequency will depend on the individual homeowner and how much they care about the brownish tones a couch lawn can develop if left unmown and becomes overgrown with seedhead. Generally we recommend you mow approximately every 7-10 days in summer.
Nullarbor Couch can go two months without needing a mow in winter since there’s zero growth during dormancy.
Seasonal applications of fertiliser will keep Nullarbor Couch green and healthy. We recommend fertilising in mid-September to promote spring growth and again in early April to ensure it is healthy and happy coming into winter. The invasion of winter weeds in a Nullarbor Couch lawn is one of the biggest causes for concern for couch lawn owners. It is best to take a proactive approach to lawn maintenance and apply Pendi Pro at the end of autumn and throughout winter at 10 weekly intervals to minimise the growth of unwanted winter weeds. Watering Nullarbor Couch deeply but infrequently will best promote healthy plant growth. You may need to increase watering frequency during extended dry spells. Keep an eye on it, and if it shows signs of dryness or wilt then give it a good deep soak.
Compare Nullarbour Couch With Other Instant Turf Varieties
Frequently asked questions about
Nullarbor Couch
Also known as Santa Ana Couch, Nullarbor Couch is a warm season couch grass that is made for dry, tough conditions. Thriving on sun and heat, Nullarbor Couch is bred for the Aussie backyard, preferring 6-7 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Drought-tolerant and wear-tolerant, Nullarbor Couch boasts an attractive fine leaf blade and dense growth, making it a soft yet hard-wearing grass that can handle high foot traffic. If you want a lawn for high play areas, recreational grounds or to accommodate active kids and pets then Nullarbor Couch will deliver.
An aggressive grower, Nullarbor Couch can become invasive if not tended to. That means frequent mowing will be required. While regular mowing will not prevent or halt invasiveness, you can apply a selective herbicide, such as RoundUp or Glyphosate, to minimise or eradicate this issue.
Nullarbor Couch can be mown very short (as low as 10mm) making it ideal for homeowners wanting a manicured lawn or for commercial use on golf courses and bowling greens.
Luscious mid-green in colour, Nullarbor Couch can lose some of its vibrancy in winter but does have a short dormancy period. It will green up quickly once spring arrives, especially with regular fertilising.
Nullarbor Couch is an instant turf variety, available in slab cut form. This makes the cost of installing far more economical. The price will depend on the variety selected, the size of the area needed to be covered and the soil preparation requirements.
At Coolabah Turf, the cost of Nullarbor Couch grass before installation is between $9-$12 per square metre.
Instant turf is one of the most affordable ground covers for any budget or high end landscape project. When you order your Nullarbor Couch from Coolabah Turf you know it’ll be cut fresh from our northern Victorian farms, and delivered to you within 24 hours of harvest.
For an exact price on how much it will cost to install Nullarbor Couch in your backyard, contact one of our friendly turf professionals.
Watering is an important part of a lawn maintenance program. While all lawns need water to survive, some require more or less depending if they’re a warm or cool season grass. There are other factors that decide irrigation frequency, including your climate, soil type, soil depth and whether your lawn is newly installed or established
New lawns will need to be watered more frequently while they’re still establishing. If you’ve just installed Nullarbor Couch in your yard, make sure you keep a close eye on the turf to ensure it doesn’t dry out and shrink before its roots get a chance to take in their new home. Once your lawn is established, we recommend you irrigate more deeply, but less frequently to train the root system to chase moisture and nutrients deep into the soil and to improve its degree of drought tolerance.
Nullarbor Couch has excellent drought tolerance. For this reason, you won’t need to water it as often as other lawn varieties. Once established, you can maintain Nullarbor Couch with deep, infrequent watering. Early morning is the best time to water Nullarbor Couch as this will give the roots a chance to absorb all that water before it can evaporate. Watering may need to be increased during prolonged dry spells. Keep an eye on it, and if it appears dry or wilted give it a good soak. Otherwise, Nullarbor Couch does well on just rainwater alone.
Check out our Seasonal Guide to Watering Instant Turf for great tips on watering your lawn year-round.
Mowing your instant turf frequently gives your lawn the best chance to stay green and healthy year-round. Some turf varieties will need more mowing than others, depending on their growth habit. Nullarbor Couch is an aggressive grower, known to become invasive if left untamed. While mowing will not prevent or halt invasiveness, an application of a selective herbicide, such as Roundup or Glyphosate, will do the trick.
We recommend mowing Nullarbor Couch weekly to fortnightly during the warmer months. In the winter months, mowing can be decreased to every two weeks – but you may not even have to mow it at all until spring.
Nullarbor Couch can be mown very short (as little as 10mm). For overall maintenance, mowing at a height of 15-30mm will keep it happy. During the cooler months, raise your mowing height and clear any leaves so that you can give your couch the best chance to absorb sunlight and nutrients.
Prior to mowing, make sure your mower blades are sharp to prevent leaf tear. A cylinder mower will give you the best results when mowing Nullarbor Couch.
Nullarbor Couch will give you vigorous growth when fertilised regularly. Generally speaking, you should fertilise Nullarbor Couch 2-3 times a year. More applications may be required depending on your soil type, wear and tear and expectations for how you want it to perform.
Your basic guide to fertilising couch grass is as follows:
- Before installation
We recommend first using a starter fertiliser, such as LSA’s Lawn Launcher, prior to installing your Nullarbor Couch. This will help to prep your base and kickstart your turf growth. From there, follow up with a good all-rounder fertiliser 5-6 weeks after installation. - Summer & Spring
Fertilise your Nullarbor Couch in early spring with LSA’s fertiliser. An application of fertiliser may be required over summer in high traffic areas. - Autumn & Winter
Fertilise in mid-September to green up after winter. Provided your lawn remains healthy and has adequate irrigation during the summer months, you should only need to apply a second application of fertiliser in early April to carry growth into the cooler months. We recommend using LSA’s Premium Lawn Food.
Irrigate your lawn immediately after fertiliser to prevent leaf burn. Another word of caution: pre-emergent herbicide fertiliser such as Oxafert is not recommended for Nullarbor Couch grass. You should only use Pendi Pro on a couch lawn for a preventative herbicide/fertiliser product.
You can find a great range of lawn fertiliser and products in our online shop.
Choosing a pet-friendly lawn will make life easy all around and will mean that even if your best friend makes a mess, your lawn will continue to soldier on! Luckily, couch grass – particularly Nullarbor Couch – is loved by dogs and pets! Once established, Nullarbor Couch can tolerate active pets (and kids!) and maintain its bounce and vibrancy year round. Unless your dog is digging holes, your Nullarbor Couch will self-repair quickly if subjected to wear and tear, and urine burns.
Even though Nullarbor Couch is wear-tolerant and can handle stress caused by pets, like all lawns, it still needs some TLC! Protecting your lawn from pets will keep it as healthy as possible. A tip to make your Nullarbor Couch more pet friendly is to train your dog to use one corner of the lawn for its business. This will prevent your entire lawn from being inundated with faeces or dry spots from urine burn. For digging dogs, you might want to install a small sandpit where you can bury toys and treats. Instilling these healthy pet behaviours will further protect your lawn and ensure it stays lush and vigorous!
If your dog has caused substantial damage to your Nullarbor Couch, simply replace the bare area with a couple of pieces of turf. We provide instant turf in slab cut form for easy application.
One of the best features of Nullarbor Couch is its rapid, dense growth. But this can also be a drawback. While its growth habit means Nullarbor Couch is quick to repair if damaged, it also means it’s quick to spread! When left untamed, Nullarbor Couch will produce runners that will invade garden beds and encroach upon the garden.
Couch grass is a naturally invasive turf variety. It has a creeping root system and horizontal growth habit. For this reason, you’ll need to regularly maintain it to prevent spreading. To stop your Nullarbor Couch from taking over, we recommend regularly maintaining it with a whipper snipper or applying a Roundup or Glyphosate product to prevent it from invading garden beds, sand pits or in between pavers. Mow your Nullarbor Couch lawn with a cylinder mower. The best part about Nullarbor Couch is it can be mown very short – down to 10mm. This will promote healthy plant density to help . If runners have already taken over your garden beds, you can pull them out by hand or use a spade to sever it off.
If you’re planning on installing Nullarbor Couch on your property, it’s best practice to avoid doing so near garden beds. Otherwise, be prepared to put a little bit more work into your lawn.
Couch grass for most months of the year boasts an impressive mid-green hue, and looks fantastic in residential properties. Nullarbor Couch is a warm season grass so it will go through a period of dormancy during winter. It’s during this time that your couch grass may experience varying degrees of discoloration. This may vary from year to year, depending on what Mother Nature dishes out from one season to the next and will also depend on how a lawn is managed. A healthy lawn going into winter will be better equipped to cope with the onslaught of seasonal cold snaps and it will also bounce back quicker on the other side once warmer spring temperatures return. The good news is you can keep your lawn looking green all winter long with applications of fertiliser and a product such as ColourGuard. It’s like an instant botox for your backyard!
ColourGuard is available from Coolabah Turf’s online shop. It can be used on all lawn varieties, including Nullarbor Couch. Simply attach the bottle to your hose if you have chosen to use the RTU formula or mix the concentrate with water in a pressure sprayer and apply to your lawn as directed.
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