Did you know that not all Sir Walter Turf DNA Certified is genuine DNA Certified and bred to guarantee?
Yep – sadly there are companies out there selling the non-genuine article and that’s bad news for backyards and home owners right across Australia.
So before you are mislead into purchasing an imitation product, or find yourself lured by an unusually low cost price for turf, there’s a few important facts you need to know. Because as we all know, just like oils ain’t oils – so true is this fact when purchasing your new lawn.
Imitation turf may be cheaper to buy, but it will cost you more in the long-run
That’s right. We’re talking more water, more weeds, more fertiliser and more maintenance.
It is possible it won’t be as resistant to pests like black beetle and lawn grubs, it will be less tolerant of extreme conditions and water restrictions, and less able to withstand humidity related funguses. And you may even find it brings out itchy rashes in those senstive to skin allergies.
You can be absolutely certain that imitation buffalo grass will cost you more in the long-term than the genuine product. And worse still - it will never look as good as the real deal.
So what is Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass?
Sir Walter DNA Certified has been Australia’s number one buffalo lawn since it was developed in the Hunter region of NSW in the late nineties.
It was taken up by a group of turf growers right around the country, and today that group makes up the network of Lawn Solutions Australia (LSA) member growers – Australia’s largest network of turf specialists.
These growers operate under the turf quality and genetic assurance certification program known as AusGAP (Australian Genetic Assured Purity). Stringent criteria is placed over the growing, distribution and sale of turf products to ensure the highest possible turf quality available, verified by regular external inspection and auditing of turf farm practices to maintain compliance at all levels.
What makes Sir Walter DNA Certified better than the imitation?
Sir Walter DNA Certified instant lawn is produced under strict Australian guidelines, which gives customers some pretty rare assurances. For starters DNA Certified turf has to pass a pre-harvest test to show that it’s visually free of disease, weeds and pest damage. It’s got to be true to turf type and free of foreign varieties so customers can be confident about their turf’s varietal identity and its purity. Only AusGAP certification gives consumers the assurance that nothing is left to chance and they’re investing in the best turf producs on the market.
Research and development is a huge part of the LSA grower network. The extensive breeding, genetic purity and quality assurance programs that are in place puts their turf at the forefront of the turf industry.
DNA certification ensures customers get the genuine, high quality turf product Australians know and trust.
How do you know if your turf is genuine Sir Walter DNA Certified?
When you purchase genuine Sir Walter DNA Certified instant lawn you will receive a certificate of authenticity to guarantee you have bought the real deal and not an imitation product.
Sir Walter DNA Certified is exclusively grown by LSA members and only those members and accredited Lawn Solutions centres are permitted to issue that certificate of authenticity.
To guarantee you are receiving the genuine article, always be sure you are purchasing from an LSA member or accredited Lawn Solutions centre.
You can confirm you have purchased genuine Sir Walter DNA Certified by contacting LSA on 1300 883 711 or visit lawnsoluntionsaustralia.com.au to clarify if the company you purchased from is an accredited Lawn Solutions Australia member.
If you’re in the market for instant turf, don’t settle for anything less than DNA Certified.
If you can have the best, why compromise?
*Coolabah Turf is an accredited Lawn Solutions Australia member and only breeds genuine Sir Walter DNA Certified turf.